Monday, December 16, 2013

Monique's Monday Morsel ~ Wk 3 #amwriting #romancereaders #RomCom

It's Monday again and time for this week's Monday Morsel from Lily & Justin Are Getting Married, the sequel to More Than Friends.

Thank you everyone who so kindly interacted with me last week! I heart Y you!!! 

Here is this week's morsel. Hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to say "hi" below.


Lily & Justin Are Getting Married 

~ Monday Morsel ~
Week 3
(Life is perfect ... until the wedding plans begin!)

© Monique DeVere 2013
Crystal Swan Publications
All Rights Reserved

“We haven’t even told our parents yet.” Lily let her lips trail his newly shaved jaw, breathed in his light aftershave. “We can’t just up and leave without giving them an opportunity to share the day with us.”
They were supposed to be getting ready to go out to dinner with the others. But as she’d grown to accept, Justin’s insatiable appetite for her made them late for everything. 
“Okay, we’ll tell our parents.” He lightly clasped Lily’s upper arms and held her so she met his uneasy gaze. “But don’t be surprised if my mum tries to take over.”
Lily smiled, fizzing with love and confidence. “Don’t worry. I can handle your mum.”
Justin’s chuckle was full of doubt. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Lil.”
She had no worries.
She and Justin were getting married and they’d have the exact wedding they wanted. She welcomed that both their mums would want to help plan the wedding. After all, she was her parents’ only child and Justin was a first-born. Of course, the mums would be excited about the nuptials. But ultimately the day belonged to Lily and Justin and they’d have their perfect day.
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  1. What a great way to start a Monday. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. Hi, Dawn,

      Thanks for dropping by, and for thoughtfully leaving a comment!

      Hugs :)

  2. Oh I can't wait to read this book! Hurry up and get it done, Monique :D

    1. Thanks, Simone! Will do!

      Glad you're enjoying the Monday Morsels. :)


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