Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interview With Author Monique DeVere = a #FREE Digital Autographed Copy of LET'S PRETEND

I am being interviewed by Stacy Verdick Case today!

I would love it if you'd drop by and leave a comment with your email addy for a chance to win one of two digital autographed copies of LET'S PRETEND ~ a  reunion/second chance romantic comedy. 

Looking forward to seeing you over at Stacy's Blog.

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  1. That was a great interview, Monique!

    Hope your little girl is okay now. And I loved your writing advice, so eloquent! I can't wait for your next book.

  2. Awww thank you, Micki. She's great!:)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I greatly appreciate it! :) :)