Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother’s Day...To Me! The Email Call!

Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s day, again.

Here in England we celebrated our Mother’s day on March 22nd. This in no way stops me from enjoying a second Mother’s day.

Why? I hear you ask.

This morning I woke up for church and, as I’ve taken to doing since I submitted Divorce Etiquette to The Wild Rose Press, grabbed my laptop to check my emails.

I was speechless!

Sitting in my inbox was an email from my reviewing editor offering me a contract! How cool is that? I can’t think of a better Mother’s day present for a writer...can you? Especially since I really wanted a book contract offer for Mother’s day in March!

Beauty Pageant

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  1. THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS! (And yes, I am screaming!) What a Mother's Day gift indeed.

    Congratulations, girl. You deserve it.


  2. Yay! Go you, Mon! I am so happy for you :-)

  3. Thanks girls. And the hard work begins. Marketing...promotion. At least they haven't asked for edits...yet! ;)

  4. Hey Monique!
    Belated congrats! This is awesome, amazing news. Divorce Etiquette was a beautiful story and I'm sure you made it all the better before submitting!
    Happy Mother's Day. I'll have mine on Sunday 24, since in Mauritius we celebrate it on the last Sunday of May.


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