Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy #ReleaseDay for DILLON: Her Rule Breaker! #Book 2 in the Pleasure Flights #RomanticComedy #Series #Readers

Monique: Hi, Ren and Dil, are you as excited as I am for today's release of your story?

Renée: I'm so excited, Monique. I didn't sleep a wink all night.

Dillon (cheeky grin & a saucy wink): Don't worry, I kept her company.

Monique: I'm sure you did, Dil... I'm sure you did. So, Happy Release Day!

Ren: Thank you!              Dillon: Thanks.

Monique: Shall we share another excerpt?

Ren: Good idea.

Dillon: Which one are you thinking?

Monique: How about the one when you're helping Ren to put out the stock in her lingerie boutique? 

Ren: Ohhhh... I like that one.

Dillon (worried frown): Exactly which part of that scene are you planning to share?

Monique: Don't worry, Dil. It's all good.

Dillon still looks cautious.

Monique (pats him on his muscle-toned shoulder): Trust me. It'll be fine.

Dillon still looks uneasy, but I'm the boss so...

Everything was moving along on schedule. The invitations were on their way, and most of the stock was on display. She could have emailed the invitations, but Ren wanted the tangibility of an embossed card. Somehow it made her business feel more real.
Speaking of real, Dillon sauntered into the shop carrying a large box, his black T-shirt molded deliciously to his chest, his tanned biceps flexed to mesmerizing proportions, and his black jeans hugging him just right. “Where do you want this?”
The answer that came to mind had nothing to do with the box Dillon lugged in for her and everything to do with where she wanted him. Refraining from voicing her suggestive reply, Ren pushed back her hair and glanced around the shop to find the best place to display the items.
“That would be the new season’s baby-doll nightwear. You can leave the box over there.” She pointed to the circular rail atop the dais in the middle of the shop.
As he walked by, Dillon dropped a kiss on her mouth. Ren immediately jumped back and checked to see if Shauna had caught the PDA. Thankfully, her shop assistant was too focused on her task in the window to notice the exchange on the shop floor.
“We spoke about this, Dil. Not in front of my staff.”
“Yeah, then you went and made it a rule.” He shrugged his wide shoulders, gave a slow, inevitable shake of his head. “You know how I feel about rules.”

(You can read the first shared excerpt HERE)

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If You'd like to check out book #1 in the Pleasure Flights series, you can find ADAM: Her Deal Maker at the below online stores. On sale for 99c/99p. Get you copy before it returns to regular price.

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

#Win a Kindle Fire and 10 FREE Ebooks OR a $50 Amazon Gift Card #eBooks #Competition #Rafflecopter #Giveaway

How would you like to discover great new reads? How about a chance to win your choice of a Kindle Fire and 10 FREE Ebooks OR a $50 Amazon Gift Card?

This is your lucky day. Right below is your opportunity to win great prizes and meet a few authors you just might enjoy! Good luck 💘

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

ETHAN'S TEMPORARY FLING is on #99cents #sale throughout August #AmReading #BookLovers

Ethan's Temporary Fling is on sale for the month of August. You can grab a copy for only $0.99 from AmazonUS | AmazonUK | AmazonCA | AmazonAU | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Smashwords |

He’s so sexy he has the title to prove it!

Super-hunky, weight-loss celebrity Ethan Stone brings out Dr. Karis Van de Burke’s inner bad-girl. To prove it, when Ethan accepts the challenge to persuade the sassy, love-rejected cosmetic surgeon to appear as a guest on his show, she ends up inviting him into her bed for one night of guilty pleasure instead. 

Used to women throwing themselves at him boobs first, Ethan knows his way around every female erogenous zone, but the sizzling chemistry he has with Karis blindsides him. Soon he’s convincing her to extend their one-night to another ... and another ... and...

Karis can’t resist! Yet, if Ethan discovers her secret, he’ll ditch her as fast as her ex-fiancé had – but really, what could go wrong in a one-week tangle-free affair?

“I’m positive, Mum. I’m the very last person Andie wants to share this with.”

“Your sister loves you, Kari-bear. I know she wants you there.”

“Did you tell her that?”

“What? That she wants you there?”

“That she loves me.”

“You know she does.”

“Mum, face it; she’s hated me from the day she was born.”

“She says the same about you.”

“I don’t hate Andie. She’s my baby sister.” Fifteen months apart, Karis felt more like a twin than she did a big sister.

“Then reconsider the offer and go on the show to support her.”

“You do realise it isn’t my support of Andie’s achievement they want from me, right?” Karis grabbed a carton of orange juice from the slot in the fridge door. At least, she could raise her blood sugar with the juice while she tried to find enough ingredients to make some kind of dinner. “They want to use our conflicts with each other to grab more viewers. With Andie’s temper, can you imagine what it would be like?” 

She flicked the lid and sniffed. The funky acid scent warned her off taking a sip. Tipping the contents down the sink, she flipped on the water to wash it down as she listened to her mum’s attempts to smooth the turbulent waters between her only children.

“Andie might surprise you, darling. She’s matured in the last five years, and you wouldn’t believe how well she’s done in the year since Ethan Stone agreed to work with her to lose all that weight.”

Karis paused in the process of dropping the empty juice carton into the recycling bin. That was it!

Ethan Stone.

The reason his name seemed familiar was that his producers had been hounding her to agree to appear on a segment on his health and weight loss show. They claimed to want the sisters to try to mend their relationship so Andie could have closure.

Karis knew better than to put herself within arm’s reach of her sister.

The doorbell rang.

Karis puffed out a delicious sigh of relief and binned the carton. At eight p.m., it could only mean one thing. 

“Thank the Lord—dinner.”

“What did you order?” Her mum’s chastising tone filtered into her ear. “Nothing unhealthy, I hope.”

“It’s usually a surprise. A few times a week my friend from the deli drops by with food. She knows I hardly have time to shop and takes pity on me.”

Karis practically bounded to the front door. She was star-ving. She yanked open the door, ready to devour whatever mouth-watering yumminess was on the other side and nearly dropped the phone.

Her mouth fell open. She blinked, unable to believe her eyes. For sure, something yummy stood before her, but not hers to devour—not that she wouldn’t have equally welcomed dinner in this form. She let her gaze roam down then back up again.

Ethan Stone—he of the title Sexiest Eye Candy To Lust After—towered outside her door. He was tall, far taller than she imagined from his magazine photo. At five-foot-eight—eleven in heels—she looked most men in the eye, but to do the same with Ethan Stone she had to tip her chin six inches.

She must have conjured some kind of freaky fantasy after snagging her own copy of the gossip magazine. Because there was no way Ethan Stone would be standing outside her door at eight-o-five at night in a dinner suit holding a single white rose as he unleashed that incredible smile. Karis glanced behind her to where she’d left the magazine, then back at him.

“Karis Van de Burke?” His deep intonation did something strange to her solar plexus. 

On SALE for 99Cents or (76p from KOBO)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Book 2 #Excerpt DILLON: Her Rule Breaker on #Preorder for #99cents from #Amazon #Romance #eBooks

So, last week I shared Dillon and Renée's cover. Dillon wasn't too happy with me after he saw what I'd said, but I think he's forgiven me. Right, Dil?

Dillon: How could I not? You hold my fate in your hands. I might come to an unfortunate end otherwise.

Monique: See? Dillon forgives me! I'm really excited to share an excerpt of DILLON: Her Rule Breaker with you. I know Dil and Ren are excited too, right guys?

Dillon: Are you going to share the first time I really noticed Ren?

Renée: When was that?

Dillon: The Friday night you were getting ready for your date with Kip.

Renée (chuckling): Oh, my goodness. I remember that night.

Monique: Then let's share a snippet of it with the readers.

DILLON: Her Rule Breaker
Pleasure Flights series #2
Copyright © Monique DeVere 2017
Crystal Swan Publications
All Rights Reserved

She could grow to care for Kip. She couldn’t ever see herself falling in love, though. Love made a person helpless, and she would never allow herself to become helpless again.
Ren dropped to her hands and knees to peek under the bed. Not that she had ever found her underwear there. She rose onto her knees, jammed her hands on her hips, and met Sneakthief’s lazy gaze with what she hoped was a convincing mommy-is-very-cross-with-you stare.
If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve sworn the cat flicked a feline smile as his fluffy chocolate-colored tail slowly swished back and forth like he was trying to hypnotize her into forgiving him.
“Not this time, you big furball. What did you do with my red thong? Please tell me you didn’t take it to Matthews’.”
The doorbell chimed.
Ren threw up her hands.
“Oh, fantastic! Kip’s at the door and I’m still in my bathrobe.” She stomped from the bedroom. Maybe he would appreciate discovering her in a state of undress. Maybe he’d find it sexy and suggest they skip Go-Karting in favor of far more exciting activities. Ren smiled. Losing her panties just might be a blessing after all.
She opened the door. “Kip, I’m so sorry. My cat—”
“Is about to lose all nine of his lives.” The shirtless man standing opposite her with a red satin-and-lace thong dangling from his crooked forefinger was not Kip. 

You can now get DILLON: Her Rule Breaker on Pre-order from all Amazon Kindle stores, which you can access by clicking on the title link in the description.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Thunderclap Campaign for Zach's Rebound Girl #Free days needed #ThunderclapIt

I have a Thunderclap Campaign for Zach's Rebound Girl FREE days. I'd really love your support. I'm happy to return the favour, just email me with the link to your campaign at to let me know you supported Zach's Rebound Girl, and I'd be thrilled to support you.

Thunderclap link:

It only takes a couple of clicks to add your Thunderclap support and it's very simple.

Thank you so much!! 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Pleasure Flights Book 2 - DILLON: Her Rule Breaker #CoverReveal #RomanceReads #AmReading

Not wanting to be left out, Adam's best friend Dillon has sweet-talked me into revealing the cover for his book. Adam doesn't know this, but Dillon and Adam's sister Renée have been spending a little more time together than anyone realizes. Dillon has sworn me to secrecy, so I really hope Adam isn't reading this! If he is, I'm sorry, Dillon. He had to find out some time. Besides, you did pressure me into revealing your cover. 

Dillon saunters in, gorgeous as ever and...oh-oh, he's seen my post.

Dillon: Monique, you can't leave that up there. If Adam finds out about Ren and me, I don't think he's going to take it all that well.

Monique: Don't worry, Dil. I got this. I've asked Lacey to keep Adam busy for the next few weeks. 

Dillon: What about Ren's other brothers Harley and Hayden? How do you plan to keep them from seeing this?

Monique (scratches head): Whoops! 

Dillon: Ahhh, Monique!

Monique: Sorry, Dil. Just lay low. It's going to be fine...I hope.

Dillon: Ah, Man!

Monique: Don't think about that now. Let's tell the readers a little about your and Ren's romance. 

Dillon: opens mouth to speak. 

Monique cuts in: I got this. Just chill, okay?

Dillon chills...

Book Cover for DILLON: Her Rule Breaker

Breaking the rules with his best friend’s sister has never felt so right.

Ever since a horrifying experience in her childhood, Renée Swank has had to endure her family’s overprotection, which forced her to move to the UK eight years ago. Now she’s back in California to open her lingerie boutique. And renting the apartment across the hall from her big brother’s super-hunky best friend—who she’s been crushing on since she was sixteen—has more than a few sexy benefits.

Helicopter pilot/Carpenter Dillon The Rule-Breaker Matthews has never met a rule he didn’t want to break. But when he agreed to keep an eye on his buddy’s little sister, he was certain he’d have no problem honoring their friendship. Until he offers Ren his carpenter skills, and suddenly her boutique isn’t the only secret they’re keeping.

Excerpt Coming Next Week.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Dish The Pie With Monique & Guest Alicia Dean: Strawberry Delight and Escape to Africa #Anthology #99Cents #MustRead

Dish The Pie with Monique & Alicia Dean

Today Alicia Dean is joining me on Dish The Pie. Alicia is an editor for The Wild Rose Press Suspense line. She is also a fab author of Romantic Suspense and Paranormal stories, and one of my very dear friends. 

Alicia is here to dish the pie on her new 6-author Anthology entitled Escape to Africa. And to share her favourite pie recipe with us. Please help me welcome Alicia!

Welcome, Alicia! I'm so happy to dish the pie with you! The first question I always ask my guests is...

Do you like desserts? What is your favourite and would you share the recipe with us?

Alicia: I love desserts! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but it would definitely contain strawberries. I’ve chosen one of my simplest and most delicious recipes to share. (It’s more or less my own creation, modified from a ‘Chocolate Delight’ recipe I’ve been making for years.)

Monique: Oh yum! Anything containing strawberries has got my attention. Can't wait for you to share the recipe! 

Recipe for Strawberry Delight     


Strawberry Delight
  • 1 cup crushed graham crackers
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 ½ tablespoons sugar
(Or you may use a ready-made graham or shortbread crust)    


Bottom layer:
  • 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
  • 8 ounce whipped topping
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

Middle layer:
  • Small box instant vanilla or French vanilla pudding
  • 1 ¾ cup milk

Top layer:

  • 10 to 12 oz sliced, sweetened strawberries (fresh or frozen, drained)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix together the graham crackers, sugar and melted butter
Press into the bottom of a 9 or 10 inch pie pan
Bake for 10 minutes, or until crust layer is lightly toasted. Set aside to cool completely (if using ready-made crust, no need to bake)

In a small bowl, prepare pudding per package directions except cut milk back to 1 ¾ cup. 

In a medium bowl, beat the sugar and cream cheese until smooth

Fold in HALF of the whipped topping, and mix well to combine. Reserve the other half for top of pie.
Spread evenly over cooled crust

Spread vanilla pudding over cream cheese layer

Spread strawberries on top of pudding layer. Top with remaining cool whip. (Garnish with fresh strawberries if desired)

Refrigerate until completely chilled, at least 1 hour.

TIP: This dessert is great with other fruits, such as canned peaches, cherry pie topping, blueberry, etc.

Monique: I'm looking forward to trying a slice of this. Have you ever eaten pie for breakfast? If so, what was it? 

Alicia: Definitely. The morning after Thanksgiving or Christmas, I used to LOVE eating my mom’s pumpkin, chocolate, or coconut pie for breakfast with a big glass of milk! :) 

Monique: Coconut pie! You have got to come back and share that recipe with us! I insist! What sort of things do you find funny?

Alicia: I usually don’t find really explicit humor all that funny. I find spontaneous remarks funny. I also find dark, twisted humor funny. And, random humor like “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey”  I love sitcoms, including a lot of British comedies...which I guess YOU just call ‘comedies’, Monique😉. (I am currently looking for one to watch, by the way, if anyone has any recommendations) My dad was hilarious and my siblings and I often reminisce about what we call ‘Daddy’isms’ – They were little spur of the moment funny lines he used to say. I was just thinking about one of his Daddy’isms this morning because of an ant issue I’m having. I keep trying to get rid of the little fiends, but they seem to be multiplying. I remember one time Dad was swatting flies (he was our resident fly-assassin), and there were many of them. It was summertime and they were thick. He shook his head in frustration and said, “Damn. You kill one of the s.o.b.’s and a thousand come to its funeral.” LOL. He was quick witted and naturally funny like that.  

Monique: Humour is very subjective. I think people say the funniest things. I also can't stop a belly laugh at the sight of someone falling over...sorry...😀. Your dad sounds so lovely. The fly comment made me laugh. Can you remember your first crush? Want to share?

Alicia: Funny you should ask (it’s really odd that two of your questions have been related to memories I’ve had just today! Hmmm…wonder if that means something). Anyway…I had a few grade school crushes, but my first ‘real’ crush was a boy named Jerry Vanderpool when I was in the seventh grade. I actually DREAMED about him last night! How’s that for freaky? In my book, Death Notice, I used his name as a ‘crush’ my main character had on a boy in school, and I ran across that part a few days ago, which is probably why I dreamed about him. Still, kind of weird. 

Monique: That's cool. Maybe we're in sync or something. Interesting about the dream. Perhaps you'll run into him again before long.  What do you think of PDA? (public displays of affection)

Alicia: Ugh, do NOT get me started. PDA annoys me, greatly. I find it highly discomfiting and unnecessary. I don’t even like it when a couple sits on the same side of a booth when they are the only ones at a table. Really? Is it worth it to give up elbow room and a handy place to keep your purse nearby, just to sit next to your significant other? I think not. 

Monique: LOL! I'm more than happy to give up elbow room. Plus, sitting next to someone, if you work it right, can keep the draught off you! 😁. When it comes to you as a writer, do consider yourself a— morning Lark, afternoon Hummingbird, or night Owl? (which time of day is your most creative time?)

Alicia: Morning, no doubt. I’m useless in the creativity department by the time afternoon rolls around.

Monique: You're such a busy person that I bet being at optimal creativity in the morning works out perfectly! So tell us about your new release?

Escape to Africa Anthology
~6 stories by 6 Authors~ 
Denyse Bridger; Lynn Crain; Alicia Dean; Gemma Juliana; Marie Laval; Jenny Twist.

Take a trip to fascinating, breathtaking, beautiful Africa, without ever leaving your home! These stories will send you on a journey filled with danger, love, and excitement. Travel from Casablanca to Morocco, across the plains of the Serengeti, to the ruins of Carthage, from the desert of Algeria, to the shores of Tripoli. Six international romance authors share spellbinding love stories told across time.

6 stories by 6 Authors for ONLY 99 cents!!

Dangerous Liaison - Historical Romance by Denyse Bridger
In late 1942, Casablanca, liaisons can be deadly, especially those that involve intelligence the Germans are willing to kill for...

A Pirate’s Lady – Time Travel Romance - Lynn Crain
Amanda Hoskip, a Time Travel Bureau agent, is intent on discovering who is tampering with time. But when she’s captured, she must pretend to be the wife of fellow agent and rescuer, Trevor Haines, which seems impossible because he thinks she’s failed her mission.

Dying to Love You - Contemporary Romance with Paranormal Elements by Alicia Dean  
To avoid purgatory, unloving and unlovable Autumn Baines is sent to the Serengeti where she must perform a selfless deed and find someone to fall in love with her. What she didn't count on was falling in love herself, or that her selfless deed could save a life, but sentence Autumn to eternal damnation.

Treasured Times - Romantic Suspense - Gemma Juliana
Nerissa Noir is a woman with many secrets. Leon Rizzo intends to figure them out, without revealing his own. From the shops of the exotic souk in Tunis to the ancient ruins of Carthage and beyond, deadly mysteries must be solved before time unravels… can they trust each other?

The Ravine of the Wild Woman - Historical Romance by Marie Laval
Algeria, North Africa, 1865.
Lenora Sharp is Azerwal's perfect woman. Brave, determined and unconventional, she is also related to the man who stole his name, his childhood and his identity - the very man and he has vowed to destroy, even if it takes him all the way to hell. Will love get in the way of revenge, or will Azerwal lose his soul before he loses his heart?

An Object of Desire - Romantic Suspense by Jenny Twist
Two students on holiday in Morocco discover that two sinister looking characters are following them. They meet an attractive man who offers to take them to their next destination.  All seems well until one of the girls disappears.

Available on pre-order now!

Find excerpts and more here: World Romance Authors

Wednesday, June 7, 2017