Monday, January 4, 2010

A Little Update on Megyn

Since I promised to keep you up to date on Meg, I thought I'd pop up a small post on her progress. She is doing very well, praise God. The last test results were a DNA level test to check her risk factor (what are the chances of her relapsing). She is low risk, but the test was to check to see if she is undoubtedly low risk. There is a marker the lab looks for which will tell them this. Unfortunately, they couldn't find this marker in Meg's bone marrow. Apparently this doesn't mean it isn't there only that they didn't find it. Therefore they have put her at indeterminate low risk. She will have to go through two further intense batches of treatment instead of one.

If I'm honest, I'm not looking forward to this. At the moment she is fighting and doing well. The intense blocks are not nice and I hate that her little body will be pummeled not once but twice. I don't think I'll ever get to a point when I don't suddenly find myself crying for her. But she is strong and such a lovely, giggly girl. She just gets on with it.

Such a blessed child.

Until next time,
God bless you all x
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  1. Monique,

    I can only imagine how hard it is for a mother seeing her baby go through so many tests and procedures, but thank God she has a praying mum!

    She's going to come out of this better and stronger than she was before. God will be glorified through it all!

    Luv ya,

  2. So sad to hear about the latest developments, Monique. But she's a tough little cookie and she'll pull through, no doubt. With so many positive thoughts and prayers going her way, the result has to be ultimately positive.

    Children should never suffer but sadly they sometimes have no choice. Keeping her and you in my thoughts.

    Take care, Steph xxx

  3. Monique,

    Here's a hug and a prayer for you and little Megyn. She's such a beautiful, brave child.


    Anne Marie :)

  4. ***

    Thank you so much, girls. You guys are very special to me. Without this little world outside of my personal life, I don't know I'd have such fortitude.

    Big hugs & love,




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